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Sometimes referred to as "policeman's heel" or heel spur, Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammatory condition that causes chronic pain in the heel of the foot (and...

What is the pathophysiology behind anaphylaxis

Do you ever administer medications or vaccines? Do you work in a primary or acute care setting? Chances are you will come across anaphylaxis at multiple times in your career. In fact, the prevalence o...

Different types of thermometers and their uses

Healthcare professionals have long been aware that human body temperature is one of the four vital signs of human health. Optimal body temperature for healthy humans is 36.3¼ to 37.3¼ and any variatio...

Stethoscopes: Understanding The Difference

A ÊstethoscopeÊ draped around the neck has long been the badge of the medical professional, and it is worn withÊprideÊby physicians,Ênurses and respiratory therapists. Stethoscopes are helpful in pick...

The 10 must-have items for today’s nurse

When every shift seems busier than the previous one, and you're rushed off your feet, the last thing you need is to waste time on trips to supply cupboards, storerooms or even your car to pick up the ...

Looking on the bright side could save your life!

Dr Alan Rozanski is a professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, was the lead author of the study, noted that optimistic people have healthier attributes such as exercising,...

Get the job YOU want! (Part 2)

During the interview First impressions can be everything but your reaction to certain personalities you meet during interviews should always remain balanced. It’s correct in assuming that inte...

The Ultimate Nursing Shoe Guide

As a busy medical professional who spends hours on end on your feet, you no doubt agree wholeheartedly that Ôlife is too short to be spent in uncomfortable shoes!' When it comes to choosing the ide...

Five top tips to make your scrubs last

Aside from being super comfortable and practical, your medical scrubs are there to protect you while you're on your rounds. It's only fair that you return the favour and make sure that your nursing sc...

Scrubs That Will Turn Heads

In appreciation of all they do, eNurse provides nurses and healthcare workers with high quality scrub pants and tops that allow them to show their passions and bring a touch of colour and/or humour to...

The Cost of Caring

By Dr Kate Owen Clinical Psychologist & Family Therapist "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We all go into the helping profession for different reasons.Can you remember yours? Y...

Hot tips to promote yourself on social media

In an article by Seek, they posted the 20 hardest to-fill roles. Healthcare roles were high on this list, particularly due to the international border closers. So, if you are on the lookout for a n...

Period underwear – your questions answered

Interested in period and leak-proof underwear but don't feel confident? Got questions? Unsure how it really works? We're answering your most common questions about Modibodi so you can swap disposa...

Mirror, Mirror, on the Ward…

By Dr Kate Owen Clinical Psychologist & Family Therapist What Are Mirror Neurons? Do you feel like yawning when you see someone else yawn? Do you smile if a stranger smiles at you? Do you get t...